Meteor Subdomain Takeover

Meteor Subdomain Takeover

In the name of Allah

Hi guys, I’m here again, YoungVanda. In this write-up, I’m gonna talk about Meteor Subdomain Takeover. From a simple recon to one of the trickiest exploitations of my life 😉

  • In this write-up, I explained everything from the beginning. If you just one to get to the exploitation part, check out the Exploitation heading at the end.

  • Also if you haven’t read this write-up, give it a go. It’s a good write-up and it helped me a lot during the exploitation process.

The story

It was a private program, with this scope: *
The first thing I do when facing a small company/target is just running Konckpy to get the vibe of the domain. Like:

  • How many subdomains does it have!!!

  • Getting familiar with subdomains and naming patterns.

  • Is there any test/stage subdomain!?!

I ran Knockpy and it gave me a few subdomains I just opened them manually.

I found an interesting subdomain.

  • I said OK baby. That’s fine. You’re good. Don’t worry :)

When I saw this page I said OK usually these kinda messages could be a sign of Subdomain Takeover. I’m not a big fan of Subdomain Takeover, but I said why not!!! Let’s dive into it 🔥🔥🔥


  • When I face such web pages and I think it might be vulnerable to Subdomain Takeover, I usually check can-i-take-over-xyz

  • Also, I run Nuclei for this purpose😁 Because Nuclei has lots of community templates when it comes to Subdomain Takeover.

Back to the story, I ran Nuclei, after a second Nuclei told me, You’re a lucky boy😁 Just get out here man. Get out here.

  • I was confused why no one had reported this before. I got the answer, follow me.

Why no ones has reported this before?

  • can-i-take-over-xyz hadn’t had the Meteor Takeover in its resources.

  • There was no write-up about it, except one. And you could not find it with Googling.

  • The only write-up was placed in the Nuclei template. Even, I followed the write-up. Went step by step. But it didn’t work.

How did I find the write-up?

In every Nuclei template, there is usually extra information about it. Even the way you can exploit the vulnerability. So here is what I did to find the write-up:

  • I love the reference section in templates.
cd nuclei-templates/
find . -name "template-name.yaml"
cat ./http/takeovers/template-name.yaml


Step — 1:

So I found the write-up, and the first thing I did according to the write-up was install Meteor:

# Other ways here:

# I installed this way
curl | sh

  • A successful installation.

Step — 2:

The next step is creating a Meteor application. I used this command:

# Execute the command with a normal user, not root.
mkdir poc && cd poc
meteor create --minimal .

For creating a Meteor application you shouldn’t be a root user. That was one of my problems, so to make this work I used my Amazon VPS with a ubuntu/normal user.

Step — 3:

So far, all the required files have been created. Go and change this file
client/main.html and put your flag there:
<platform-uesrname> POC Takeover

nano client/main.html # Put your <platform-username> POC Takeover

Step — 4:

Now, go to the and sign-up. Also, take note that you should put in your payment details to be able to use the custom subdomain feature.

meteor login # Enter your username & password

Step — 5:

It’s time for the final step.

DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=[CNAME] meteor deploy []

In the [CNAME] section you can put the CNAME of your subdomain.

But in my case, it didn’t work. You can try these:

# Didn't work for me meteor deploy []

# Didn't work for me meteor deploy []

# Worked for me meteor deploy []

How I found this

I was disappointed that I couldn’t take over the subdomain. Even though I spent around 10 hours, in two days, to exploit the vulnerability, I wasn’t successful. However, suddenly, I came up with an idea, but to me, this was more like a shot in the dark :)

I discussed my problem on just asking for some help :)

  • I explained my issue on the forum. Waiting for an answer, and after 2 or 3 days someone replied to me.

  • I said OK. I’m gonna give it a try. I wasn’t having that much hope. meteor deploy

  • Done

Finally after 2 days of exploiting and 3 days of waiting for some help. It worked!!!
Man, the moment I realised that the application was being deployed I was over the moon.
It was marvellous. Like a beautiful woman in a red dress with red lipstick

  • Like this woman:

  • Ohhh, my bad, sorry, I meant this one:

Ultimate Final Hot Cooking Recipe:

  • Ohhh, Mamacita, what a recipe !!! Yummy 😂😂😂
# Follow the steps with normal user, not root.
curl | sh
mkdir poc && cd poc
meteor create --minimal .
nano client/main.html # Put your <platform-username> POC Takeover
meteor login  # Entering username and password - Sign-up here

dig # Get the CNAME
# Try this one now:

# If didn't work, try this one: meteor deploy

# Didn't work, try this one: meteor deploy

# Didn't work, try this one: ( this oen worked for me ) meteor deploy

# Ceck out for more regions
# If you still having problem with deploying the target. Do the trick !!!
# Go to and ask for some help

Severity/Priority of this Takeover

It was a private RDP program so I really tried to escalate it to High/P2 by showing the scenario of Stored XSS. But it didn’t work. They closed it as Medium/P3.

Triager said this:

  • That is why they closed it as P3/Medium.

The Errors you might get during the takeover

  • After installing Meteor create a directory and run the following steps on that directory
curl | sh
mkdir poc && cd poc
  • Create the Meteor application in a new directory and as a normal user, not root. Otherwise, you gonna get this error:

  • Create the Meteor application as a normal user.

ubuntu@369:~/$ mkdir poc && cd poc
ubuntu@369:~/poc$ meteor create --minimal .
  • The last error that you might encounter, is gonna happen while deploying the application:
dig # Get the CNAME
# Try this one now:

# If didn't work, try this one: meteor deploy

# Didn't work, try this one: meteor deploy

# Didn't work, try this one: ( this oen worked for me ) meteor deploy

# Check out for more regions
# If you still having problem with deploying the target. Do the trick !!!
# Go to and ask for some help

Moral Values of Story

  • The moment I realised that I was not able to take over the subdomain, after 7 8 hours of trying. I was really sad and just watched anime. I used to be lazy when it came to exploitation. But I didn’t give up, the next day:

  • I watched multiple YouTube videos. About how to deploy a Meteor application and even the Meteor itself.

  • Reading documents, from, just to figure out what’s going on.

  • Finally, when I was disappointed. I explained my problem on the forum,, I have waited for 2 or 3 days. And finally, someone answered my question and it actually worked.

Uooo man… Wait a minute, I tweet about my recent findings and some other bug bounty tips. So check out my tweeter account. Sorry X account :)

My Twitter Account: @young_vanda_
